A brand is just a perception
People connect with emotions, not with the products. To build that impression and emotion, the term brand was introduced. A brand is not all about a logo or some catchy tagline, it’s wholesome of advertising, customer service, promotional merchandise, reputation, and a logo. All of these elements work together to create one unique and (hopefully) attention-grabbing professional profile. Let’s see how…
Let’s talk about emotions
50% of a brand experience is based on emotions. Brands cannot find any more profound middleman other than emotion between them and the customers. Everyone has a different bar of connection with the same brand because of emotions. To build this leverage of emotions brands focus on storytelling the most, you will never find Nike advertising their shoe sole, flexibility, or how much comfortable their shoes are, instead of this they focus on a very strong appealing story timeline of athletes(maybe fictional) and this goes with every 2/3 brand. The next form which most of the brand goes with is engagement with their customers, Zomatoland, One-plus events are the key examples where they try to connect and engage with their audience. They are pretty active on their social media handles as well, here they use very cheeky marketing approach to grow their audience like Moment Marketing, Meme Marketing, etc.
Visual Asset
“Fact: Human beings process visuals 60,000 times faster than text’’. We as a loyal audience expect one of the best experiences from the brands. To fill that void, brands use visual assets to fasten their brand exposure. It’s very hard for us to connect with some product on Instagram (or any social media platform), but we can surely get connected to the video/ads which they share. To make people follow them, they literally work their ass-off to bring about the best content to the other side of the screen. Content here refers to all the front-facing elements, such as the website design, fonts, typography, color palette, logo, and ad designs covering every output coming from their side.
90% of buying decisions are made subconsciously and here visual asset plays a major role in converting these decisions.
Brands becoming Cult
How much extra you are paying above the substitute, if the customer is not paying extra you are not a brand. We all pay that extra cut for iPhones, Nike shoes, Starbucks coffee, Netflix subscription, etc. Brands do make their unspoken identity. After subscribing to these brands people feel that they are part of the brand's hypothetical cult community somehow. Once this community comes into the picture, normal people and their word of mouth become the best and most effective advertising technique for brands, jezz…
According to Seth Godin, a brand is- You made a promise to the people, they have expectations. It’s shorthand of what should they expect next time and if that is distinct, you have earned something but if it’s not distinct you have made just a commodity and you are trying to charge just a little bit extra for peace of mind.
It follows that our generation would also be uniquely drawn to brands that make us feel how we want to feel about ourselves, even as how we want to feel about ourselves is often nothing more than how we want to be perceived externally.
Until next time!!