Linking Sexuality and Personality

We co-create our personalities.

Nishchal Mehta
3 min readApr 11, 2021

People often connect sexuality and personality altogether, but according to me, they are like chalk and cheese. Sexuality is like a non-dominant subset of personality.
Let’s narrow down a human body into three parts- mind, heart, and genitals (P.S- Use 0% Biology here). The mind commands our thinking process, gestures, and most of the other things whereas we will give our ability of sexual feelings, thoughts, attraction, and behavior towards other people to our heart. We can broadly connect our mind to our personality, heart to our sexuality, and genitals to our sexual orientation. These three parts are interrelated but at a very low-key level.

My Notion on Personality

Personality is a pattern of relatively permanent traits and unique characteristics and these traits and unique characteristics help us in building an “Individual Person” like how/why we are different from others.

Psychologists narrow down to some factors which define our traits or personality like

  1. Genetics
  2. Environment <in which we live in>
  3. Experiences <we had till now>
  4. Society <trends going in our culture>
  5. Sexuality <scroll more to find>
  6. Content <which we consume>

and many other factors as well.

The best part about this is all traits play a role in determining our personality but which of these factors have the highest influence depends from person to person. Let’s say there are two introverts, so there is a sure possibility that one can be because of the environment in which he/she lives and the other can be because of the experiences he/she had till now. Psychologists do have some long theories on personality but I have nowhere found sexuality to be the dominating trait in defining personality. Let’s talk more about sexuality…


Sexuality is about our sexual feelings, thoughts, attractions, and behavior towards other people. It evolves with time, duh what… Ya people think or quote “They are born that way” but that’s not true. We are born with sexual orientation but we are not born with sexuality. Research shows us that if sexuality were locked down by genes well then, if you had two identical twins, and one twin was gay the other twin would be gay 100% of the time because they have the same genes. But in reality, twin surveys have found that if you have two identical twins and one twin is gay, the other twin is gay 30 to 40% of the time. So it’s definite evidence that your genes influence your sexual orientation but your genes do not provide the last word of every sexual feeling you ever gonna have. This shows us that sexuality is fluid and it can change with time.

My Unpopular Opinion (which no one asked)

I do think that there is no such one unifying theory of personality but it’s very hard to make a solid structure of personality based on sexuality.

Thank you for reading till here!!

Reference 1, 2, 3



Nishchal Mehta
Nishchal Mehta

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